Land Legal Group for Alimony in Los Angeles.

For the recovery of alimony will require the following grounds for going to court with your Los Angeles Alimony Lawyer :

  • The pensioner and adult children must be relatives;
  • There is no contract between parents and children on the basis of which alimony would be paid;
  • Minors are 18 years old;
  • They are able-bodied;
  • Parents cannot work and need material support.

To determine that parents and their wards are relatives, a book of acts of civil status is reviewed. If children do not pay child support to their parents, it is possible to go to court.

Claim proceedings – this is a classic method that is designed for payment of alimony by the court. In the course of the court proceedings, there is competition, and the dispute is considered open. The procedure for going to court consists of several stages :

  1. A claim is made.
  2. A preliminary trial is scheduled.
  3. Considered the essence of the matter.
  4. Decision issued.

In the process of collecting alimony from the income involved the plaintiff (father or mother) and the defendant (children). Each side expresses its position, explains and provides other important evidence. Sometimes a professional lawyer is involved to protect their interests. He helps to collect documents that contribute to a positive outcome of the lawsuit. Call Los Angeles family law firm Land Legal Group for help.

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Directions To Our Los Angeles divorce and family law Attorney Law Firm

Land Legal Group

1900 Avenue of the Stars #1800
Los Angeles, CA , 98052
Phone: 310-906-4878

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