
Maintenance, spousal support or alimony is doing great in the American divorce settlements, in case you were wondering. However, what is alimony really? Alimony is money paid by the supporting spouse to the dependent spouse either as lump sum or on a continuous basis after divorce. A dependent spouse is a spouse who makes less or has less money than the other spouse. They are technically any spouse who substantially depends on the other spouse for support or maintenance. Alimony is generally not awarded to spouses after a short marriage or if the spouses earn close to the same amount.

Whether you are expecting to pay alimony, get alimony or need to follow up on that spouse who refuses to pay alimony after they have received the alimony order, a good lawyer is necessary. Land Legal Group is a family law firm in Los Angeles that helps you get through the divorce faster by handling all the requirements needed to get you that alimony or reduce the amount your spouse is seeking.

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Land Legal Group

1900 Avenue of the Stars #1800
Los Angeles, CA, 98052
Phone: 310-906-4878

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