Child Custody Attorney from San Bernardino

When you have a child, your whole world changes. That child now becomes the best thing in your life, you would do anything to spend all your time with them, and make sure you can protect it from the world. When you and the other parent of the child end the relationship weather you break up or in a divorce, you both are fighting to get that child. You both want to spend the most amount of time with the kid, as well as be the person who makes the decisions on their behalf. It is important to have a law firm that really has the best interest of the child at heart. A law firm family law firm in San Bernardino, Law Office of Joyce Holcomb is just that law firm. They can help you come to a fair and reasonable conclusion for the child custody agreement.


A child custody attorney San Bernardino will know how to build you a strong case. They will need to know exactly what you are looking to get out of this case, and what you are willing to give up. It can be difficult to come to an agreement with the other parent, and that is where your San Bernardino attorney will come up with a way for you to have an agreement. This will also be court ordered.

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